Essays in...

Wednesday, December 15, 2010








她 喜欢一个人坐在大树下,目光投向前方,看着只有她才看见的梦境。从八岁到十五岁,她唯一的朋友就只有那棵树。她的学业很好,因为她读书时从来没有必要分 心。然而,有一次的考试,她不及格。原来那是因为作文的题目是“爱”。她的答案卷几乎是空白的,只写着两个字 — “爱是……”










Wednesday, September 22, 2010


When I first heard about the news, I did not digest it. I could not believe it. It was untrue. They were probably out of their minds.

Someone put their hand on my head. "There is still hope, dear."

"Yes, yes," I told myself. "There is hope."

And then the force of reality hit me like a sledgehammer. It was true. There was hope, but still it was real. She was dying.

She had been sent to the hospital two days ago, to have a brain specialist check on her. We all wanted to find out the cause of her memory loss, of her headache, and of the swelling at the side of her head. And yesterday, only yesterday, we had received a phone call saying that she had a brain tumor, and was going to undergo an operation on next Tuesday.

I was calm. What would she look like without hair, I thought. Would it be very painful?

And today, another phone call announced the news of the explosion of her brain tumor. Her brain was dead, they said. But she was still alive, being connected to a ventilator.

Someone drove me to the hospital. "There is still hope," they kept saying. And I repeated the words to myself. There was still hope.

Somebody led me up to her ward. There were many people there. Why were they there, I wondered. What were they waiting for?

"We will switch off the ventilator as soon as her brother's family arrive," a man's voice said. "They want to see her for the last time."

The last time? But there was still hope, wasn't there? I looked around at all the people, waiting for them to scoff at the the man for feeling so hopeless.

But nobody said anything. Nobody did anything. They were all just standing there, with red noses and red eyes. Patting each other on the back. Hugging each other. Talking to the motionless person on the hospital bed.

I stared at them. Where was the hope they'd been telling me of?

I looked at the woman on the bed. She was covered with a pink blanket. She looked peaceful, and beautiful. I had seen that face many times in her sleep. Yes, I told myself, she was only sleeping. So I waited for her to wake up.

"I miss you, my poor darling..." Her mother was crying. What was the matter with her? Didn't she know, didn't she believe that there was still hope?

A tear rolled down the woman's face, from beneath her closed eyelids.

I was triumphant. So she was awake. I waited for her to sit up and embrace everybody.

But she just lay there with her eyes shut, and teardrops rolling down her cheeks.

And then her brother's family arrived. I was taken out of the room. I sat in one of the chairs against a wall, and fixed my eyes on the television. I vaguely saw some animals on the television screen. I stood up again, and walked back to the ward. There was an old man in the opposite ward. His heartbeat was even weaker than hers. But nobody was there with him. He was unconscious, and lonely. Strange, I thought. Why did I feel even lonelier than him?

Somebody was calling my name. They were preparing to unplug the ventilator. "Wait", I wanted to cry. Why wouldn't they believe that there was still hope?

And the ventilator was switched off. And her heartbeat gently failed. And she died. My mother was dead.

After all, there never had been any hope.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

The Storm

"'This is the last straw! I will not endure this any longer!' Father was in a raging temper, and his face was as black as only a face could be. 'Prepare your swords for battle!'"

"A war. Again. It was the third time this month! But this time, the Wools had really gone over the limit. They were actually sending people over to steal our water! As if we had a lot to spare. But still, I didn't like the idea of battling with them again."

"There we were, all lined up in our various positions. And there was Father, shouting words of encouragement to us. And there were the Wools, looking down their noses at us. They were always a snobbish lot. We stared at each other in hatred, the Wools and the Whites, and our faces darkened until we were all of the same colour as Father's."

"When everybody had stared their fill, somebody did a roll on a war-drum. Brrumm! The battle was on!"

"We drew out our silver swords. The swords were purposely made in a zig-zag shape, so that it would wound and cut easily. At a word of command from Father, we rushed towards the Wools, brandishing our swords. They, too, whipped out their own swords, which were bigger than ours, but also heavier, so that their movements were clumsy."

"As we were running towards each other, I happened to look down, and I saw the trees below bowing to and fro. No doubt it was because of all the wind caused by our sudden movements. But look! there was an enemy right in front of me. I dodged under his outstretched arm, and plunged my sword into his heart. He buckled up, and dissolved into a pool of water, and fell out of sight, down to the surface of the big, round ball called Earth."

"Every time our swords struck true, there would be a celebrating drum roll. This increased our war spirit, and soon pools of water were dropping from everywhere, while the fighters became lesser and lesser in number."

"Brrrrrum! There was the drum roll again. I looked around for a while, and was glad to see that most of the remaining fighters were Whites. The few Wools left were still fighting valiantly, but it was evident that the Whites were gaining victory on them."

"At last, at long last, the last Wool fell with a cry to the ground, far below. We high-fived and congratulated each other heartily. But we knew that the Wools would come back. They always did, especially on hot, sunny days. But all was well. After all, what is life without a taste of spice in it? At least, we had regained peace for the time being."

The above passage is adapted from a diary, which was found lying in a pool of water after a storm.

Friday, May 7, 2010


































































































































































Friday, February 19, 2010

I found that I had boarded the wrong bus...

I found that I had boarded the wrong bus. The seats were the wrong colour, the bus driver was a different person, even the passengers were different. I was sure of this because I had ridden on the same bus every day of the week since last year. I tried to stop the bus, but the driver was already going at full speed, and the driver either would not or could not hear my request over the sound of the engine.

Wearily, I found a place and sat down by the window. I tweaked open the curtain. It was raining heavily, and the sky was dark. So was the bus. A sudden flash of lightning illuminated the bus. I looked away from the window hurriedly, as if afraid of hurting my eyes. Funny. I was not so jumpy usually. My gaze traveled to the seat next to me, and I jumped as though I had received an electric shock.

The seat next to me had been empty when I sat down. But it was now occupied by a little girl who looked about five. I could see her face clearly because of the lightning. Her face was deadly pale, and she was thin, very thin. Her face was also completely empty of expression. Then the lightning was gone, as though somebody had switched off a light in the sky, and her face was once more in shadow. I looked away from her hurriedly, as a crash of thunder descended from the sky.

Looking determinedly through the window, I pondered about the presence of the little girl beside me. The bus had not stopped after I got on, that was certain. So how had she got on? I steeled myself and turned to ask her this. After all, she was only a little girl. Only a little girl. But if so, how had she disappeared so quickly? The seat beside me was empty once more.

I turned and searched every face on the bus, hoping to see the little girl somewhere. But all the passengers on the bus were old people. And their faces were as expressionless as the girl's had been. I tried to convince myself that they were just fed up with the rain.

I stared straight in front of me, waiting impatiently for the next bus stop. Suddenly, another flash of lightning came. I hesitated for a few seconds, and turned my head to the seat beside me once more, willing the little girl not to be there. But she was.

She was just sitting there silently, staring at the floor, looking as pale as before. I felt the hairs on the back of my neck standing up straightly, and it was all I could do to prevent myself from going up to the driver and forcing him to stop the bus. Hey, that was a good idea.

But then the lightning disappearing, and the thunder came. And the rumble of thunder seemed to roll a heavy weight against my heart, as I remembered the expressionless face of the driver, and how he had pretended not to hear me when I first got on.

An uneasy memory floated back to my mind, the time when my friend was telling me a story about the Ghost Bus. A man had got onto the wrong bus, just like me. And just like me, he had felt uneasy about the bus and the people on the bus. Then, a frightened-looking young girl beside him had whispered to him that this was the Ghost Bus, and all the people on the train were waiting for the best chance to attack and eat him. Then, he grasped hands with the young girl and they leapt out of the window together. The bus rattled on, while the ghosts in the bus shouted after him in dismay and disappointment. He was just going to thank the young girl, when she smiled and said, "Now, you're all mine."

A creepy story, but I had just scoffed and laughed at it. And now, it was coming true! Well, not exactly. But almost.

The lightning flashed once more, and the girl, who had disappeared with the lightning just now, appeared again. This time, she had a cut on her head. It was bleeding slightly. The lightning was gone, and the bus was plunged into semi-darkness once more. But suddenly, a small person hurled itself against my chest.

I screamed.

The bus wobbled, and came to a stop.

I fainted.

When I woke up, I was in hospital. I got up and checked myself all over. No bites, not scars. And no —— OH MY GOODNESS, the girl was standing next to me!

She was staring at me, and she was laughing. I was ready to black out again, when she spoke for the first time. And to this day, I really wish I had covered my ears.

It turned out that she was just a human child. She had been scared of the darkness, so she had hidden under her seat. Every time the lightning came, she thought that the light had been switched on, so up she came. And the last time, she had banged her head, and she had just wanted me to comfort her.

I felt so stupid.