Essays in...

Friday, October 9, 2009

A Journal on a 5-Day-Trip to Cameron HIghlands

1 December 2008
My birthday! To celebrate this special day, my Science teacher got me a special birthday treat — a trip to Cameron Highlands! Haha, just kidding. It was a class trip that my Science teacher had been planning since June, and that's like — six months ago. Anyway, after a teary farewell with my family (hey, I've never stayed away from my family before!), I was ready to go. I reached the school hall, where most of my classmates were already assembled. And then, on the bus! And now I'm sitting on the bus, writing this entry, getting more and more nauseated. Ah...we've finally reached the place! Now all we have to do is to survive the long way up the hill. Well, now I'm sitting on the bed of our hotel, and I just want to admit that I vomited halfway up the hill. And I still feel very ill now, so all my classmates have gone on without me. While they're having fun roaming the green hills of Cameron Highlands, I'll be lying in bed with a green face. Well, at least we have a colour in common.

2 December 2008
Yay! I feel as fit as a fiddle again. I don't know what's so fit about a fiddle, but whatever. I just wanted to sound impressive. Anyway, back to the point. We went for jungle walks today! The jungle was so quiet and mysterious. All the leaves were whispering in the wind. I don't know why, but I just wanted to scream and dance. Luckily, I hadn't any breath left for that. I was SO TIRED! But I won't elaborate on that. We trekked through the jungle, occasionally seeing wild flowers of a species that we have never seen before. And we also saw all kinds of animals. Once we even saw a peacock. A peacock in a jungle? Sounds so wrong.

3 December 2008
Hey, sorry I couldn't continue on that jungle entry last night. I just fell asleep in the middle of the entry! Well, I did mention that I was tired, right? Anyway, today we visited the vegetable and strawberry farms! The vegetable farm was so — so — so — green. I'm serious. It was so green that we could actually feel the freshness and coldness of it. Well, of course it was cold, but by saying cold, I mean cold and clean. After the vegetable farm, we went to the delightful strawberry farm! I've never seen such lovely strawberries before. Big, red, juicy, shiny — they were perfect. How did I know they were juicy, you may ask. Well, that was simply because we actually had the chance to taste it! With cream! Strawberries and cream! Cream and strawberries! Okay, okay.

4 December 2008
It was the Boh Tea Estate's turn to be visited today. Visited by us, I mean. It was located along a winding road. Well, you won't believe me, but it was even greener than the vegetable farm. Tea leaves grew everywhere. Everywhere we went, we saw tea leaves. Hey, I seem to be running out of words. Anyway, we visited a factory. Guess what that factory made! Yes, tea. We sat back and put our feet up and relaxed with a cup of tea like any big boss might do so. Well, minus the putting-feet-up, of course. We just sat and relaxed and drank tea. The tea was — awesome. I'll never feel content with normal tea after this.

5 December 2008
Time to go home! I really enjoyed my trip to Cameron Highlands. I wasn't sick on the way back, but I didn't exactly enjoy the trip home. Because I MISS CAMERON HIGHLANDS SO MUCH! If only I can go there every year!

Friday, October 2, 2009





这时,我的老师 — 李桂花老师,走了上来,亲切地欢迎我。我外婆伴着我上楼,进班,坐下。我右边坐着一个男孩。“她叫李美心,你呢?”我外婆问道。“哦,我叫陈x健。”他对我露出斯文,羞涩的笑容。从那一刻起,我们就是好朋友了。

幼儿园的日子,过得有点迷糊。我不能把所有细节记得一清二楚,不过在记忆中,并没有发生任何真正伤心的事情。或许是当时的我,和其他朋友,都是单纯的一群。每天早上,上课前,我都会和同学们在楼下玩“追追”。开始时,我并没有参与他们,我坐在楼上,每天都这样一个人坐着。自闭得很。后来有一次,有个别班的小弟弟不知做了什么 — 好像是从我们楼上的走廊,爬上了屋顶。我还记得老师很生气地把他追回来,大骂了一顿。那次以后,老师就不再允许任何学生一个人逗留在上面了。于是,我只好下楼,和其他同学一起玩。想不到他们也这么自然地接纳了我,这是我第一次感觉到自己不是外星人。


记得有一次,上音乐课时,老师挑了几位同学出来唱歌。第一个是素贤,若没记错,她唱的歌是和太阳有关的。她唱完后,老师左看右看,很不幸运地就看中我了。老师知道我父母是受英文教育的,却不知道我在家是说华语的,所以就叫我唱英文版的“一闪一闪亮晶晶”。老师坐在钢琴前开始弹奏起来了,我也无奈地开始唱了。我从小就是个文静,胆小的女孩,现在要我在大家面前独唱简直就是要我的命,于是 — 我忘词了。才唱了不到三句,我就停着发呆。老师把整首歌弹完后,就说:“很好!很好!美心唱得很好听!大家拍手!”。真奇怪!


